
Three causes of diseases

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ne kyi gyu soom
nad kyi rgyu gsum

nad kyi rgyu gsum

The branch of the causes of diseases on the disbalance trunk ( rnam par gyur pa ). A traditional image from the Atlas of Tibetan medicine.

Three causes of diseases are attachment ('dod chag), anger (zhe sdang) and ignorance (gti mug).

Three nyepa (nyes pa) spring from these three emotions. Attachment manifests as rLung (rlung), anger manifests as Tripa (mkhris pa) and ignorance manifests as Badkan (bad kan).

1)ཁྲོ་རུ་ཚེ་རྣམ. “གསོ་རིག་རྒྱུད་བཞིའི་འགྲེལ་ཆེན་དྲང་སྲོང་ཞལ་ལུང་།” སི་ཁྲོན་མི་རིགས་དཔེ་སྐྲུན་ཁང, 2001, vv. 6 ISBN 7-5409-2535-3 (Tibetan) - A Great Comment on Four Tantras (Gyud Shi) written by Troru Tsenam.

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