rgun ‘brum bdun pa

goondroom dunpa
rgun ‘brum bdun pa


«Grape-7» - seven-component formula based on raisins and cu gang.
rgun ‘brum, cu gang, gur gum, shing tsha, shing mngar, se ‘bru, gla sgang

1.རྒུན་འབྲུམ (rgun ‘brum) - bot. Vitis vinifera – Grape
2.ཅུ་གང (cu gang) - min. Kaolinite – Kaolin
3.གུར་གུམ (gur gum) - bot. Carthamus tinctorius – Safflower
4.ཤིང་ཚ (shing tsha) - bot. Cinnamomum cassia - Cinnamon
5.ཤིང་མངར (shing mngar) - bot. Glycyrrhiza uralensis - Chinese liquorice
6.སེ་འབྲུ (se ‘bru) - bot. Punica granatum - Pomegranate
7.གླ་སྒང (gla sgang) - bot. Cyperus rotundus – Nut grass
neutral, without zi-effect (bzi med).
Final Tantra
lungs disease, accompanied by a strong coughing, large amount of light sticky sputum, chest tightness, shortness of breath as well as swelling of the lungs. This formulation is used for treating asthma.
this formula can be made as powder or pills. Average dose is a half of teaspoon of powder or 3 pills.

IMPORTANT: Tibetan medicine should always be taken only after a consultation with a Tibetan doctor or qualified physician, as usage and dosages differ between patients.

1) “སྨན་སྦྱོར་གྱི་ནུས་པ་ཕྱོགས་བསྡུས་ཕན་བདེའི་ལེགས་བཤད།” བོད་གཞུང་སྨན་རྩིས་ཁང Dharamsala. 1995. pp. 118 ISBN: 81-86419-05-5. (Tibetan) - Classical indications for remedies.

2) “རྒྱུན་མཁོའི་བོད་སྨན་གྱི་ཕན་ཡོན་ལག་དེབ” བོད་གཞུང་སྨན་རྩིས་ཁང Dharamsala. 1996. pp. 121 ISBN: 81-86419-06-3. - (Tibetan) Indications for common applied remedies.

3) Dr. Tsering Thakchoe Drungtso & Tsering Dolma Drungtso “བོད་ལུགས་སྨན་རྩིས་ཀྱི་ཚིགས་མཛོད་བོད་དབྱིན་ཤན་སྦྱར: Tibetan-English Dictionary of Tibetan Medicine and Astrology.” Drungtso Publisher, Dharamsala. 1999. pp. 13, 339. ISBN 81-901395-2-5.